Be at my house at 8:00.
I'm entertaining
some faculty.
I don't think I could.
What's the matter,
You used to visit
my house regularly.
Do those frayed cuffs
worry you?
My other shirt
is at the wash.
8:00 sharp!
We're scientists.
That's one society where
frayed cuffs don't matter.
We've all had them.
Yes, Sir Oliver.
I swear there's
something inside.
There's Uncle now,
And high time,
I thought it was
Uncle Oliver.
Nothing I'm wearing
belongs to me.
Good evening,
Miss Jenny.
Good evening,
Alec McEwen.
I'm early.
I didn't know
you were coming.
Your uncle
ordered me to come.
Where is he?
He's never been late
like this.
To return to the subject
of my clothes,
they belong to the lad
of Glen Darrick.
"Don't go to dinner
dressed like that," he said.
I went
to take my bath.
When I returned,
my clothes were gone
and these substituted.
I have no claim to
the Glen Darrick tartan.
You've explained
your magnificence.
Kirsty, there will be
one more guest.