vous et nous
sommes dans
une situation
It's no good, sir.
It sounds
more Russian.
Kak tvoe imia?
My c toboi tovarishchi
It's a female prisoner.
And her lover.
they're kissing.
I'm sorry,
but for once
we must dispense
with tact.
I regret
to disturb you.
Can you get us
out of here?
Oh, Gertrude...
It's a duck!
And I was just about
to try Latin.
You with
the gold tooth,
I'll give you
more gold
if you'll guide us
to Reykjavik.
Ja, Reykjavik.
You take us
to Reykjavik.
I understand
that Professor Goetaborg
from Stockholm
is stopping here,
a friend...
A friend of yours,
Professor Goetaborg?
Let's say a colleague.
May I help?
He is at home,
isn't he?
Yes. L...