My husband had
boots made specially.
I hope they fit.
Mine will be
ready without delay.
Your man's ordering
some for me.
Good, good.
What was that?
Why would you need
boots like this?
I can't go in these.
Go where, madam?
Don't say it.
I'm coming along.
That's why I'm giving you
all of this.
That's a condition.
You didn't mention
any condition.
Then I do now.
Whom were you taking
besides this young man?
The big Icelander.
Then I'll be very useful.
He doesn't
understand English.
You can't come.
You're a woman!
What has my sex
to do with it?
We're not contemplating
a stroll down Piccadilly.
Professor Lindenbrook,
I've just lost my husband.
I have nothing else
to live for up here.
Down there, I can
represent his name.
The decision
is not yours.
The police need you
for the investigation.
I have already given
my testimony.
But madam, quite apart
from the appalling danger,
think of
the inconvenience.
The lack
of privacy!
In short,
you don't want this?
I may be mad
about this journey,
but to burden myself with
a female is sheer stupidity.
I may have been
a disturbance to men,
never a burden.
This is
an absolute holdup.
I assure you
you will not receive
one iota of extra
You'll sleep
where we sleep,
you'll eat
what we eat.
Then you accept
my proposition?