"So far I've only dealt with easy women.
"My regular weapon
may turn against me this time.
"But no fortress is impregnable.
"You can only fail as an attacker.
"But I will triumph.
"I know how to win over Mrs. Rosemonde.
"It pays to have friends in the enemy camp."
Worse and worse.
Trouble, and a trial...
A trial?
Do you know how to calculate rents?
I own a small house in Paris.
Two more cards, please.
I must have made a mistake in my figures.
I may get in trouble.
It's troublesome, an house.
Marianne, I told you to say "a" house.
An inn...
an alley...
an chapel.
"A" chapel!
"I avoided words or gestures which
would have put her on her guard.
"The word 'Iove' in particular.
"Just 'friends, ' and nothing more.
"But that's tricky for a seducer.
"I had to find a unique solution.
"Virtue is best conquered with the truth.
"I decided to cast off my mask...
"and tell her about my conquests."