They send a notice first
I'm in Antoine's class.
Is he any better?
He missed school yesterday
Ya hear that?
You don't seem surprised
Why should I be?
He's capable of anything
What'll my excuse be?
The bigger the lie,
the better it works
When Ma broke her leg,
I went back...
without an excuse
I can't make up a story like that
We mustn't go in together
Right. You go first
So there you are!
Extra homework made you sick, eh?
Your folks fell for it?
I'd like to see
what kind of excuse you have
- Let's have it.
- I don't have one
You expect to get away
with it like that?
It'd be too easy!
Sir, it's my mother
What about her?
She's just died
I'm sorry... I didn't know...
Was she ill?
Yes, sir
You could've told me.
You should confide in your teachers
Go join the others