Take care of this girl, Hermes.
She's looking for her cousin
He'll find your cousin
for you. He finds everything
l must go and get my paycheck
Another one for the collection.
Nice girl
-She is naive.
-Yeah, right. l know you
-Watch out, Mira is around.
-Didn't l tell you?
Sorry to break up your party.
Are you telling her fortune?
-Why not?
-No way!
With her looks, she'll only
have bad luck
You're too much of a show-off
to deserve good luck
Are you coming?
She is crazy
-Have you been to carnival?
-No, l have not
-ls that why you came?
You'll end up going.
No one can resist the madness
See? There is no mistake
Just follow this path and
you'll find the place
-Thank you very much.
-My name is Hermes
lf you get lost again,
please come back
l'm always here, l am
the station guard
Thanks. Some day
l'll be back
You're loaded! Hand it
over, let me see it
Did you get the directions?
Yes, thanks
-Do you know her?
-Why so much fuss then?
-Because l am very kind
-lsn't she cute?
-What about me? Let's go!
-Where to?
See, Hermes? He is cynical to
the point of asking ''where to''
Don't you remember that
we are getting married?
-Pay attention, man!
-What eyes she has!
And l have a good
memory, you know?