Orfeu Negro

Just follow this path and
you'll find the place

-Thank you very much.
-My name is Hermes

lf you get lost again,
please come back

l'm always here, l am
the station guard

Thanks. Some day
l'll be back

You're loaded! Hand it
over, let me see it

Did you get the directions?
Yes, thanks
-Do you know her?

-Why so much fuss then?
-Because l am very kind

-lsn't she cute?

-What about me? Let's go!
-Where to?

See, Hermes? He is cynical to
the point of asking ''where to''

Don't you remember that
we are getting married?

-Pay attention, man!
-What eyes she has!

And l have a good
memory, you know?

l know! Poor guy!
-Where is the fifth forum?
-1 st floor, 2nd door, right side

Take your hat off!
Fix your tie. What a mess

Let me fix it, let me
-Give me a kiss.
-There's people coming

Marriage license?
Sorry! lt's for tomorrow
No, for today.
We want a license

-We want to get married, right?
-Are you sure?
