- l took him for a blood transfusion.
- We have the same type blood.
- Type O.
- Oh?
- I'll make it up to you.
- You're makin' it up pretty good so far.
As soon as we get a job, I'll take you
to the swellest restaurant in town.
How about it? Has Poliakoff got
anyzhing for us? We're desperate.
Well, it just so happens
he is looking for a bass.
And a sax.
- What's the job?
- Three weeks in Florida.
At the Seminole-Ritz in Miami.
Transportation and expenses all paid.
Isn't she a bit of terrific?
Let's see Poliakoff.
- He's busy. You'll have to wait, boys.
- All right, we'll wait.
Look, Gladys, it's three weeks in Florida.
Sweet Sue and her Society Syncopators.
They need a couple of girls
on sax and bass.
Whaddaya mean, who is it?
It's Poliakoff. l got a job for ya.
Gladys. Are ya there?
Played 1 1 2 hours at a marathon dance.
- Now she's in bed with nervous collapse.
- Tell her to move over.
And Cora Jackson?
Last l heard, she was playin'
with the Salvation Army.
Drexel 9044.
Those idiot broads.
Here we are, packed and ready to leave
for Miami, and what happens?
The sax runs off with a Bible salesman
and the bass gets pregnant.
Bienstock, l oughta fire you.
Me? I'm the manager,
not the night watchman.
Hello. Let me talk to Bessie Malone.
What's she doing in Philadelphia?
On the level?
Bessie let her hair grow
and is playing with Stokowski.
- Black Bottom Bessie?
- Schpielt zich mit der Philharmonic.
How about Rosemary Schultz?
Slashed her wrists when Valentino died.
We might as well do the same
if we don't find two dames by tonight.
We don't care where you find them.
Just get them on that train by 8 o'clock.
The moment anyzhing turns up,
I'll give you a tinkle.
Bye, Sig. l wonder
if I've got room for another ulcer.
Nellie, get me long-distance.