Some Like It Hot

We get second-hand wigs, a little padding.
We call ourselves
Josephine and Geraldine.

Josephine and Geraldine... Come on.
lf you wanna pick up
a little money tonight,

at the University of lllinois
they're havin' a St Valentine's dance.

We'll take it.
$6 a man. Be on the campus
at Urbana at 8 o'clock.

All the way to Urbana
for a one-night stand?

It's $12. We can get
one of the overcoats out of hock.

Hello. Mr Morris?
This is Poliakoff in Chicago.

You don't have two girl musicians
available, do you?

A sax player and a bass?
- lf William Morris doesn't come through...
- Come on, Geraldine.

It's 100 miles. It's snowin' outside.
How do we get there?

- I'll find something.
- Like what?

Don't crowd me.
- How'd it go, girls?
- I oughta wring your neck.

Please, Jerry. That's no way to talk.
Nellie baby, what are you doin' tonight?
- Tonight? Why?
- Cos I've got some plans.

- I'm not doing anything.
- Really?

l just thought I'd go home
and have some cold pizza.

Then you'll be in all evening?
Yes, Joe.
Good. Then you won't
be needing your car.

My car? Why, you...
Isn't he a bit of terrific?
We coulda had three weeks
in Florida, all expenses paid.

Lyin' in the sun, palm trees, flyin' fish...
Knock it off, will ya?
Possible straight, possible nothing,
and a pair of eights.

All right, drop 'em, you guys.
- Drop what?
- We came for a car.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah. Nellie Weinmeyer's car.

