Hey, Rosella, there's a party in upper 7.
- You got a corkscrew?
- Stella has.
Go get some paper cups.
Hey, there's a party in upper 7.
- Here's the vermouth.
- This is a private party. Please go away.
l brought some cheese and crackers.
- Will ten cups be enough?
- This is a party for two. Ten cups?
- Please, girls. Will you stop this?
- Could you use some Southern Comfort?
Girls, you'll wake up
the neighbours downstairs.
Watch that corkscrew.
- Here's a cracker.
- No crackers in bed.
Will you girls go away
and form your own party?
Here's the cocktail shaker.
- I wish we had ice.
- Easy on the vermouth.
1 3 girls in a berth is bad luck.
1 2 of you will have to get out.
- Pass me the peanut butter.
- Anyone for salami?
No more food.
I'll have ants in the morning.
Hey. Have you got any
maraschino cherries on you?
Never mind.
Maraschino cherries?
What's going on here?
Daphne. Daphne, where are you?
It's not my fault. l didn't invite 'em.
Come on, girls, break it up.
You heard Josephine.
Girls. Everybody out.
- Not you, Sugar.
- I'm going to get some ice.
Get out.
That's right, Sugar.
Now the rest of you. Out.
- Come on in. The water's fine.
- Have a Manhattan.
- Pipe down. We'll all be fired.
- Sugar. Don't leave me here alone.
Come on, kids. It's two o'clock.
You've had your fun.
The party's over. Everybody go home.