Elmer Gantry

Store front, apartment in rear.
Owner: George F Babbitt.

- Business: prostitution.
- On my property?

- Well, I'll have them evicted.
- Of course. Of course.

You've been victimised, George.
- Same as me.
- Yeah.

Evening, boys. Never bet into an open
pair... unless you've got the lock!

- Say good night, George.
- Oh, this?

Well, we're just playing for chips -
you know, sociable.

- You takin' me for a ride or somethin'?
- To the publisher of the Times-DisPatch

- You got somethin' on him, too?
- I got you.

- Yeah, sure, but...
- It's getting late, George.

The point is, why did he write this trash,
and why did you publish it?

- Are you suggesting censorship, Miss?
- Only fair play.

- This is muckraking!
- Is it true?

- No!
- Then sue us for libel.

Oh, you're much too clever for that.
It's what you imply - the veiled slurs.

- Hints that I misused collection money.
- I never said that.

Did I ever preach anything
but God's word? Well? Did I?

- Are you ordained?
- What?

Do you hold a degree from any
recognised theological seminary?

- Does Gantry?
- No.

Are you sanctioned
to preach by any church?

No, Mr Lefferts, but... neither was Peter
or Paul or any of the other apostles.

Ah, but they said that they lived with
the Son of God, were taught by him,

were sanctified by him.
What gives you
the right to speak for God?

I couldn't possibly be doing
God's work without his approval.

How did you get his approval?
Did God speak to you personally?
Did he send you a letter?
Did you have a visitation from God?
A burning bush, perhaps?
