Elmer Gantry

- Hints that I misused collection money.
- I never said that.

Did I ever preach anything
but God's word? Well? Did I?

- Are you ordained?
- What?

Do you hold a degree from any
recognised theological seminary?

- Does Gantry?
- No.

Are you sanctioned
to preach by any church?

No, Mr Lefferts, but... neither was Peter
or Paul or any of the other apostles.

Ah, but they said that they lived with
the Son of God, were taught by him,

were sanctified by him.
What gives you
the right to speak for God?

I couldn't possibly be doing
God's work without his approval.

How did you get his approval?
Did God speak to you personally?
Did he send you a letter?
Did you have a visitation from God?
A burning bush, perhaps?
Where in the New Testament does it say
that God spoke to anyone except his son?

But it does say in the First Corinthians
"Let your women
keep silence in the churches."

"It is a shame for women
to speak in the church."

Congratulations, Jim boy. I see you're
a student of the Bible. I'm delighted.

What is it? Are you responsible for some
of these crackpot calls I've been getting?

- You want Mr Lefferts fired, too?
- Fired?

Why, I'd give Jim a bonus
for boostin' circulation.

I thought you came to bury Caesar,
not to praise him.

Shakespeare. Ah, yes. A moment ago you
used the Bible... to whip Sister Sharon.

- I merely quoted it as a source.
- Of course. As a good newspaperman,

you wouldn't use information
unless it was fact, would you?

Tell me somethin', Jim.
Is the Bible fact?
Well, come on, Jim boy.
Did God create the universe in six days?

Did He make the sun stand still
to help Joshua lick the Amalekites?

