Elmer Gantry

and thank heaven you can't see them -
lewd, dirty, obscene...
And I'm ashamed to say this.
..French postcards.
They were sold to me, in front of
your own innocent high school,

by a man with a black beard. A foreigner!
- Shocking!
- And last night...

last night, right here on Main Street,
I was accosted by three painted women!

- The tramps.
- Your streets are made unsafe

by shameless, diseased hussies,
raPacious PickPockets,
and insidious oPium-smokers

And Elmer Gantry.
This newspaper... this newspaper
says everybody's against me.

The mildewed Methodists, Episcopalians,
and Baptists are against me.

Even the ossified, petrified, horizontal,
perpendicular Presbyterians
are against me!

But this newspaper lies!
Some of the preachers
might be against me.

Unitarianism, Russellism,
Spiritualism - they hate me!

And what hates me
most of all is Harvardism,

Yaleism, and Princetonism!
But you're some of God's best people.
- And you don't hate me, do you?
- No!

- Smack 'em down, preacher!
- Kill 'em! Murder 'em!

Can you hear me, Jesus?
I'd like you to save this
old friend of mine, Jim Lefferts,

who's been writin' all these dirty, black
lies about me. But I'll warn you, Jesus.

You better wear rubber gloves
and use a strong disinfectant.

But if you can save sinner Jim...
I'd like for you to do it.

What the hell's he trying to do?
