You look lovely, honey.
Lorna, aren't you two ready yet?
- Yes, Tom.
- You're holding up the rehearsal, baby.
You know, you still look pretty good.
Honey, get ready.
We're rehearsing. Come on. Music.
I fear you not and laugh at your anger.
For I have proved my courage in battle.
- A vile seducer outrages...
- What's that?
- What's what?
- What did he just say?
"A vile seducer."
That's what I thought he said.
What kind of a show
are you giving here, anyway?
This is a comic opera, Mr. Pierce.
La Belle Hélène.
You know, the story of Helen of Troy?
It's one of our big, big successes.
You see, in this I play Paris.
He's a son of the king of Troy, and he's...
- The handsomest man in the world.
- Him?
- Yes.
- Of course, I wear heavy makeup.
What part do you play?
I play Hélène. The most beautiful woman.
That I can believe.
And this is my husband.
- You married?
- No. In the play.
But I'm not in love with my husband.
I am, how do you say, flighty?
And besides, he is much older than I am.
Always wanting me to behave myself
and to do what he thinks is good for me.
But I'm young and very beautiful,
and do only what I enjoy.