I fear you not and laugh at your anger.
For I have proved my courage in battle.
- A vile seducer outrages...
- What's that?
- What's what?
- What did he just say?
"A vile seducer."
That's what I thought he said.
What kind of a show
are you giving here, anyway?
This is a comic opera, Mr. Pierce.
La Belle Hélène.
You know, the story of Helen of Troy?
It's one of our big, big successes.
You see, in this I play Paris.
He's a son of the king of Troy, and he's...
- The handsomest man in the world.
- Him?
- Yes.
- Of course, I wear heavy makeup.
What part do you play?
I play Hélène. The most beautiful woman.
That I can believe.
And this is my husband.
- You married?
- No. In the play.
But I'm not in love with my husband.
I am, how do you say, flighty?
And besides, he is much older than I am.
Always wanting me to behave myself
and to do what he thinks is good for me.
But I'm young and very beautiful,
and do only what I enjoy.
Nope. It won't go in Cheyenne.
- No?
- But this is a classic, Mr. Pierce.
What's so classy about her running around
with you instead of her husband?
But he is so much nicer,
and he lets me do what I want.
Last month, the mayor's wife started
running around with a young stud like him...
and the mayor shot him stone dead.
There wasn't a man in town...
that didn't shake his hand for doing it,
even the sheriff.
No, Healy, you can't get away with
making fun out of marriage in Cheyenne.
But it's all right to kill people in Cheyenne?
Mr. Pierce, why don't you wait
until you see the show...
with the pretty costumes
and the orchestra playing...
And the customers leaving?
Chew up a little scenery...
that's what they want around here:
blood and thunder.
If all you got is this fiddle-faddle,
you can pack up and keep going.
I don't want you.
You're losing your charm, baby.
Well, Doc?
All right, we'll rehearse later.