Living... without being jealous...
- Signora, you have a store? - And what a store!
- What kind? - A grocery.
Everything can change world, but not for someone
with a grocery store. Filippo De Libero, I have a store in Fondi.
- People will always need groceries.
- Unless the Russians come. - What do you mean?
The Russians don't believe in business.
Life without business is nothing.
- You accountants know anything!
- What does the Pope think, Signora?
He made a speech yesterday.
Everybody cried.
- Bombs killing women and children!
- Don't our bombs kill?
- You're the ones who wanted the war!
- Me ? - Yes, you, too.
- If I...
- You're wearing your Fascist pin.
- So what?
- I have one, too. Does that mean I wanted the war? Play something!
- That won't change anything! The harm is done.
- You talk as if you weren't Italian.
I'm not, if it means stay here and stuffing my face
while the rest of the country is dying.
We're pigs. That's what we are!
All pigs!
Why do you always have to spoil everything, Michele?
- He's not a bad boy, signora.
- No, Signora, he's really very nice.
My son should thank God that I'm around to earn money!
- He's an idealist.
- That's it! - So everybody makes a fool of you.
Let's play ''Faccetta Nera'' [A Fascist song].
Maybe I could buy some food for you.
Once there was enough of everything here.
Money was all you needed.
Not now.
You can buy me fifty sacks of flour...
twenty sacks of corn meal...
You want some split peas, beans, lentils?
- How are the prices?
- People around here are still honest.
A jar of lard and some olive oil.
- Who's got olive oil these days?
- I'll get her some, Mama.