- Bombs!- They're bombing us!
Rosetta !
Rosetta ! Rosetta !
Oh, my God, she's going to die!Arnaldo, get me some water.
Will you get me a glass of water!
Rosetta !
Please, Rosetta.try to drink some water.
It's all over, they are gone. We'll be all right.Look at me, look at Mamma.
They are gone, drink.Please, drink.
- Mamma !- Rosetta !
You see, Mamma was right, they are really gone.Please don't cry, my darling.
We've got to close the shopand get out of Rome. But don't cry.
It's all over. They're gone.
If I was a man, I would shoot them all!They're dirty murderers!
- Want me to open up?- Sure, sure!