- I thought you'd left.
- I'm leaving soon. - Where? - Down.
- We haven't seen you lately.
- I'll walk with you to Fondi.
- Are you crazy? The Germans will shoot you.
- There's a friend there who might sell us food.
- You mustn't risk it.
- Something could happen to you.
You don't know me very well.
If a German gets too close...
What's the world coming to?
Horses eating grain!
Via !
- They were eating grain.
- Please do not be afraid. I'm not German.
- You're Russian.
- Russian, traitor.
You seem like Ukrainian girl.
Ukrainian eyes, beautiful.
- Is the road safe?
- You can go.
Last days for Germans.
For me too, I think.
- He's beautiful! Is he really a Russian?
- A deserter.
They never tell you that they make them
like that in Russia!
Can you tell me where I can buy some
sugar, flour...