- Don't you mind to such a things?
- Me?
You mind, you mind. You have someone in your heart.
Only my daughter.
- I've decided to go back home, Rosetta.
- Se vuoi, mamma.
- They won't bomb Rome anymore. They'll start bombing here.
- True, mamma.
How skinny you got. You need more to eat.
We have plenty to eat, in Rome.
How cold she is!
Come here, Rosetta.
- Mama, why doesn't he come anymore, Michele?
- I don't know.
- He loves you, Michele.
- Go on.
I can see why, you're so beautiful.
He's 25 years old! Never go with a boy
younger than yourself.
- But he's the nicest man in Sant'Eufemia.
- Being a nice man these days isn't much help.
Damn draft!
- You know what I think Michele is? A subversive.
- What's that?
Someone with a good heart
who doesn't like work.
- We'd better give him back his book.
- But he gave it to me. - He'd make a good husband.
He has no vices. If you were a few years older,
I'd let you marry him.
- What are you saying, mamma!
- You'll have to think about such things someday, no?
Listen to her laugh!