If one walks during the day, he does not stumble
because he sees the light of this world.
But if one walks at night...''
They tried to steal at home,
but Giovanni cheated them!
He's better than a brother!
They could to ruin me. The Rosetta's dowry
was in the wardrobe.
You are all dead,
more dead than Lazarus.
With your flour, with your thieves' scare,
your wealth walled up
not even Jesus Christ
could resuscitate you!
MicheIe !
- What's wrong?
- Nothing
Mama, was listening to him!
MicheIe's right.
Please stop! What's wrong?
- Nothing.
- You called us dead!
- We'll die by starvation for sure!
- Me too I'm dead. - You, so young?
You have always to say what is in your heart,
right or wrong...
- I have not the nerve to talk aloud.
- You're even too much sincere.
- I am not sincere with you.
- With me?
Sure, with you.
Shoo! Even the goats!
I'll have to clean up everything here.
The gate is broken since I went away.
Let's go, it's raining.
I love you, Cesira.
- In such a trouble, do you mind to that?
- I have to tell you.
You could too give me a smack in the face,
but it's true.
These stupids are here to see the scene!