Eggs at 45 lira? Forget it!
We'll buy them in Capranica!
Are you still about?
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Did you sleep well, mother?
- Do you feel like a youngster?
We were at the old villa.
Is the crazy Francesca there too?
- Who is she?
- It's the princess mother!
Why do you treat me this way?
Not even a dog
gets treated like this!
- If you loved me a bit... you'd
understand some things. - Sure.
- You don't love anyone.
- Don't scream!
- You don't know what loving means!
- But you do, don't you?
You've got a hard, empty heart!
You only care about women,
but not love.
You've been saying it
for four hours. Stop!
I want to go home!
Some men are happy to be loved
and don't look for other women!
You're the only one like this!
What a disaster!
My disaster is having met you!
I can't stand
having you around anymore!
Go away! Forever!