La Dolce vita

- If you loved me a bit... you'd
understand some things. - Sure.

- You don't love anyone.
- Don't scream!

- You don't know what loving means!
- But you do, don't you?

You've got a hard, empty heart!
You only care about women,
but not love.

You've been saying it
for four hours. Stop!

I want to go home!
Some men are happy to be loved
and don't look for other women!

You're the only one like this!
What a disaster!

My disaster is having met you!
I can't stand
having you around anymore!

Go away! Forever!
- Don't be silly! Come here!
- No. Leave me alone! Let me live!

- Come on, you idiot, get in!
- No!

You're such a...
Get in.
What do you want from me?
You're a miserable worm!
You'll end up alone like a dog!
You'll see!
Who'll stay with you
if I leave you?

Who could ever love you like I do?
I can't waste my life loving you.
You say I'm crazy,
that I live outside of reality.
