Any woman who makes
one man miserable...
instead of a lot of men happy...
don't get my vote.
Sit down.
Thank you.
What's your name?
I'm called Angel.
Sounds dangerous.
What else?
Michelle Bonnet.
And you?
Sam McCord.
Sam McCord,
I drink to you...
because I can always
tell when I like a man.
First by my fingers.
They get warm.
When he's willing to act
like a gentleman...
for a few minutes.
Do you know,
when I was leaving before...
I was only pretending.
I was going to
come back and try again.
Look, I've got
a proposition to make.
Have you ever been to Alaska?
Oh, no, too cold for my type.
I'm from New Orleans,
where it's always warm.
You're about the right size.
You have second sight, I see.
Try this on.
Don't you think...
there is too many distractions?
But if you wish.
I meant just try it for size.
Mr. McCord,
you're wasting your time.
I'm selling, not buying.
How would you
like this stuff free...
and half a gold mine
to go with it?
Just say the word.
What word?
Just a little old yes,
and it's yours.
You're fooling me.
I was never more serious
in my life.
I'm savin' a human being...
best pal a fellow ever had.