North to Alaska

Nobody's ever given me...
anything as nice as this before.
A Frenchy broke George's heart...
a Frenchy can fix it.
I'll tell you a secret.
I'm shaking from head to foot...
because it finally happened.
Instead of jumping
into the bay...

I'm jumping into a gold mine...
and, mister, am I going to jump!
I mean, you really
want me to go...

to Alaska with you?
Just say the word.
Yes, yes, yes!
Come right this way,
Mr. Nordquist.

He's right in here.
Sam, come up for air!
Lars Nordquist, you old coot!
How are you?
I'm fine.
How are you?

Shame on you...
hangin' around a place like this.
Where else will I hang around...
when I'm looking for Sam McCord?
I heard you hit gold in Alaska.
I'm so happy for you!
You hit pretty good here, too.
This is...
What's that last name?

Michelle Bonnet.
Angel's easier.
This is Lars,
my old loggin' boss.

Hello, Mr. Lars.
Shake hands.
Your wife ain't lookin'.

How is Lena?
Still hittin' you
with rollin' pins?

She's slowing down.
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

She's crazy to
see you again.

What are you doin' in Seattle?
The whole gang is here...
for the loggers' picnic.
We heard you were in town.
Everybody starts hollering...
"You can't have a picnic
without Sam."

Come on!
Well, uh...
Go on, Mr. McCord.
I'll give you my address...
in case you want
to see me again.

The name is Sam,
and we're goin' to Alaska.

Pick up your trousseau,
and let's go.
