Thank you.
but not too much, eh?
Be right back.
Don't you remember me?
I'm Ollie the logger.
Please go away.
I was going to come
see you tonight.
No. I said please go away.
Nobody's looking.
I said go away!
Go away!
Ha ha ha!
Let me go!
Brought you some coffee, too.
Thank you.
Sit down?
Wasn't that man
a friend of yours?
Sure. Still is...
or will be
when he sobers up.
Why did you do it, then?
Habit, I guess.
A fella gets sore and...
Haven't you had a fella
fight over you before?
Over me, yes...
but never for me.
Well, I guess I got sore,
that's all.
Why did you get sore?
How do I know?
A fella gets sore,
that's all.
Works it off, that's all.
Hey, Sam!
Sam, Jensen is so drunk...