Brought you some coffee, too.
Thank you.
Sit down?
Wasn't that man
a friend of yours?
Sure. Still is...
or will be
when he sobers up.
Why did you do it, then?
Habit, I guess.
A fella gets sore and...
Haven't you had a fella
fight over you before?
Over me, yes...
but never for me.
Well, I guess I got sore,
that's all.
Why did you get sore?
How do I know?
A fella gets sore,
that's all.
Works it off, that's all.
Hey, Sam!
Sam, Jensen is so drunk...
he can't enter
the pole-climbing contest.
You got to help me.
I got a bet with Oscar!
Me, too!
Climb a pole,
or I lose my shirt!
I haven't had spurs on
for who knows how long!
It'll be like yesterday!
Or early this morning!
You might still
lose your shirt.
I'll take a chance on you.
You ever seen a man
climb a pole?
Looks like I'm hooked.
Sam, come on!
(Band Plays "Camptown Races")
You're not going up there!
How do you think
I used to make a living?