I'll work it out with you.
Whoa, now!
Sam, it's beautiful!
Gives me the willies.
His honeymoon cabin,
how wonderful!
Stick to your promise.
No troubles.
No troubles.
I'll just enjoy the scenery.
I've done the best I can.
I just got to face him.
I think I'll just lie to him.
They're probably workin'
the sluice boxes.
I'll go dig up George.
I wouldn't wish this
on a goat...
but right now I wish
you wereJenny.
I'll be right back.
Hiya, kid.
Hold it.
That thing's loaded.
Sam! Am I glad you're back!
I'm not so sure I am.
Where's George?
Arnie, that fella with the mine
by us in Dawson...
George rode over to help him.
I heard about
the claim jumping.