They're probably workin'
the sluice boxes.
I'll go dig up George.
I wouldn't wish this
on a goat...
but right now I wish
you wereJenny.
I'll be right back.
Hiya, kid.
Hold it.
That thing's loaded.
Sam! Am I glad you're back!
I'm not so sure I am.
Where's George?
Arnie, that fella with the mine
by us in Dawson...
George rode over to help him.
I heard about
the claim jumping.
Some fellas tried,
but Arnie run them off.
They're comin' back with a gang.
Breezy told me
about some killings.
I'll go help him.
Saddle me a horse
while I get ready.
Is he that mad?
He's not even here.
Over at another mine fightin'
some claim jumpers.
One good thing...
them shootin' at him...
will take George's mind
Getting shot is
the best cure for love.
I got to help him.
Are you leaving me here alone?
Billy's here.
Who's Billy?
George's kid brother.
How little?
17, but he's man enough
to take care of you.
That's what I'm afraid of.
This here's the best horse.
He spooks a little
now and then, but...