All right, take his gun.
You can have the mine,
but 1/3 of this gold...
The gold from this mine
is impounded.
You're under arrest, McCord.
I warned you, no violence.
Everything's all right.
Just keep your head.
Keep yours!
Keep the mine, keep her...
and keep away from me!
Why, you pigheaded baboon!
I have something to say.
You're a knucklehead!
Now, won't you listen to somebody?
Save your breath!
You've been a jinx to me!
I've had it!
Get me out of here!
Jail me!
This way, mister.
When are you going back to town?
As soon as we load
whatever's being impounded.
Could you take me along?
Be glad to.
Thank you.
I'll be back.
Yes, ma'am.