This way, mister.
When are you going back to town?
As soon as we load
whatever's being impounded.
Could you take me along?
Be glad to.
Thank you.
I'll be back.
Yes, ma'am.
Mr. McCord saw his gold weighed...
but he won't sign the receipts.
He's under arrest.
I'm not signing.
The hell with the hearing.
I want my share of the gold...
and to get out of here.
Take off your hat, Mr. McCord.
Mr. Commissioner,
my name's Dugan.
I'll sign my copy, sir.
Did you cross-file on me?
He jumped on his mine!
You lousy thief!
That's enough, Mr. McCord!
Mr. Dugan has no lien
on your property.
He's only here to represent
a Mr., uh... Peter Boggs.
Peter Boggs.
Who's he?
He built the cabin
next to your mine.
He cross-filed.
Why didn't he show up himself?
That's not necessary...
since Mr. Dugan's
representing him.
Am I through, Mr. Commissioner?
You'll be notified
about the hearing.
Thank you, sir.