Eyes as full of...
[All Cheering]
[Music] Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you [Music]
[Music] Happy birthday, dear Helen [Music]
[Music] Happy birthday to you [Music]
- Thank you.
- Come on, blow! One, two, three!
What's that?
- You must be very proud
of your daughter, Mrs. Stephens.
- Mmm.
[Chattering Continues]
I say. Look.
It's that chap
from upstairs.
Hello. I don't know how many times
we've passed each other on the stairs,
but tonight I'm determined at least
to say hello to you, so, hello.
I'm Helen Stephens.
I'm having a party,
and the other tenants are there
and a few friends.
We'd like you to join us.
- I'm Mark.
- Pardon?
- I am Mark.
- Oh, hello, Mark.
Please come in. You'll meet
the others who live here and...
Sorry, but... work.