Usually when a man is ridiculous,
he doesn't know it.
But when he falls on his behind,
he knows it.
Of all people,
the Italians are the most impulsive.
And my family...
is the most Italian of them all.
- But you're half Greek.
- With you I am all Italian.
My father came to Corfu for one day.
A baptism.
He took one look at Corfu and said,
"This is for me."
He never went back to Italy.
I had an aunt. She went to the movies.
Rudolph Valentino.
She took one look at him and said,
"That's the man for me."
She never looked at another man.
She died an old maid.
I have the same blood.
I was going to tell you that I like you.
I feel good with you.
That I want you only for me,
that I don't want you to see other men.
- Then you fell on your behind.
- I don't like to be laughed at.
I like you. But if you hurt me,
I'll hit you on the head.
- I'd bet you would.
- You'd win.
- Then I let go.
- Now we understand each other.
- Illia...
- That Sunday voice again.
All right. Let's go.
Where are you going?
- None of your business.
- I was just being friendly.
Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies.
- Listen, tomorrow is Sunday.
- I invite you to my house every Sunday.
- We'll have the whole day.
- Let me finish.
Every Sunday is open house
for my special friends.
And tomorrow is not an ordinary Sunday.