Captain Shepard is
the new director of operations.
[Mouth Full Of Food] How do you do?
Don't let me interrupt your meal.
Captain Shepard,
Second Officer Anne Davis.
Captain Shepard's taking over for me.
How do you do, sir?
How do you do?
Be nice to her, Shepard.
If she got angry and walked out,
we'd lose the war.
Seriously, you can depend on
this young lady.
I've done it many times.
Anne, be a darling, will you...
and get your plot report in
as soon as possible.
We mustn't be late...
forJimmy's party tonight.
I suppose I should shed a few tears...
at leaving this place...
but quite honestly, I've hated the job.
Too much responsibility,
I'm getting a command at sea.
That's what I've always wanted.
I hope you find one...
that doesn't involve too much strain.
It's a different kind of strain.
If a man's going to serve in the navy...
he ought to serve at sea...
unless, of course,
it's a man like yourself...
who's already seen action.
He should still serve at sea.
Yes. Well, I better get along.
I'll say good-bye now...
unless you have any questions.
I don't think so. Good luck.
Thank you.
We thought we might be of some
assistance, sir...
not knowing your way around yet.
Is there anything I can do for you?
Yes, there is something.
I saw a rating enter the war room...
without his jumper.
From now on, everyone
will be properly dressed at all times.
I cannot have officers
eating sandwiches on duty...
Commander, under any circumstances.
I'm sorry, sir. Won't happen again.
Excuse me, sir.