Sink the Bismarck!

Yes. Well, I better get along.
I'll say good-bye now...
unless you have any questions.
I don't think so. Good luck.
Thank you.
We thought we might be of some
assistance, sir...

not knowing your way around yet.
Is there anything I can do for you?
Yes, there is something.
I saw a rating enter the war room...
without his jumper.
From now on, everyone
will be properly dressed at all times.

I cannot have officers
eating sandwiches on duty...

Commander, under any circumstances.
I'm sorry, sir. Won't happen again.
Excuse me, sir.
I think you should know
that Commander Richards...

stood two watches without relief...
I'm sure Commander Richards...
doesn't need an interpreter,
Miss Davis.

I was also surprised
to hear a Wren officer...

addressed by her Christian name.
To me, this kind of informality...
is both irregular and inexcusable.
Come in!
Sorry to interrupt, sir.
Priority signal.
Thank you.
Huh. Excuse me.
Come in.
Oh, Shepard.
You know the assistant chief
of naval staff.

Yes, indeed, sir. Very well.
How are you,Jonathan?
I'm glad to see you again.

I have a signal here...
from our naval attache in Stockholm.
He reports two large German warships...
steaming through the Kattegat.
What ships are they?
