I think you should know
that Commander Richards...
stood two watches without relief...
I'm sure Commander Richards...
doesn't need an interpreter,
Miss Davis.
I was also surprised
to hear a Wren officer...
addressed by her Christian name.
To me, this kind of informality...
is both irregular and inexcusable.
Come in!
Sorry to interrupt, sir.
Priority signal.
Thank you.
Huh. Excuse me.
Come in.
Oh, Shepard.
You know the assistant chief
of naval staff.
Yes, indeed, sir. Very well.
How are you,Jonathan?
I'm glad to see you again.
I have a signal here...
from our naval attache in Stockholm.
He reports two large German warships...
steaming through the Kattegat.
What ships are they?
He doesn't say.
Think it might be the Bismarck?
It's possible, sir.
She's just completed
three months' training...
in the Baltic.
Couldn't pick a better time
to break out...
with this Crete business
going on...
and our convoys scattered.
I have a nasty hunch
that's the idea, sir.
I hope you're wrong.
Can't afford to have that monster loose.
Look what Scharnhorst
and Gneisenau did to us.
22 ships sunk... 115,000 tons.
All in two months.
They don't have anything like
Bismarck's fire power.
She could stand off and sink
every ship in a convoy...
without ever coming under fire.
Shepard, get on to
the Commander-in-Chief,
Home Fleet.
Tell him we're not sure...
but we're very much concerned.
We'll let him have...
every scrap of information.
Aye aye, sir.
Oh, and, Shepard.
I wish you'd prepare
your recommendations...
in case it is the Bismarck.
Very good, sir.
Pretty rough assignment...
for a new man on the job.
I'm not worried about Shepard.
He's one of the ablest men
in the service.
I'm told he's as cold
as a witch's heart.