All right. Good-bye.
We're directed to assume
that it's Bismarck...
accompanied by Prinz Eugen...
and that they're attempting to...
break out into the convoy lanes.
Now, gentlemen, they'd have
four available passages...
wouldn't they?
Here's the Denmark Strait...
the passage south of Iceland...
the Faeroes-Shetland Passage...
and the Fair Island Channel...
between the Orkneys and the Shetlands.
Anyone care to place a bet?
What about the Iceland-Faeroes
Not too near our bases,
room to maneuver.
Why wouldn't he take the nearest exit?
Fair Island Channel's
only a few hundred miles.
Too close to our air patrol.
All you're saying is
it could be any one of the four.
Actually, of course,
you're perfectly right.
I'm afraid somehow or other...
we've got to guard them all.
Have we any idea
where they are now, sir?
Nothing definite.
Jenkins, check with Coastal Command...
that they're carrying out a search.
Aye aye, sir.
Looks like two cruisers.
That's what the pilot said.
One's a cruiser, all right.
The other one's...
Bismarck's been located in Norway.
Definitely identified.
Bismarck's in Grimstad Fjord.
They want us to send
everything we've got...
Bombers, torpedo planes, everything.
No luck. Nothing.
Visibility down to nil.
Cloud down to 200 feet, sir.