Looks like two cruisers.
That's what the pilot said.
One's a cruiser, all right.
The other one's...
Bismarck's been located in Norway.
Definitely identified.
Bismarck's in Grimstad Fjord.
They want us to send
everything we've got...
Bombers, torpedo planes, everything.
No luck. Nothing.
Visibility down to nil.
Cloud down to 200 feet, sir.
Can't get a bombing run
in weather like that.
200 feet along the fjord here.
What convoy's that, Miss Jackson?
What convoy's that, Miss Jackson?
O.G.62, sir.
Now, Miss Davis, take the Arethusa...
from O.G.62.
Put her with the Home Fleet.
Now take the Victorious...
from that convoy forming
up in the Clyde...W.S.8.B....
And put her with the Home Fleet.
Sir, Operations Home Fleet calling.
Director of operations.
No, I'm sorry.
We still have no information.
Well, the weather's closed in
over there.
The aircraft can't see a thing.
Yes, as soon... as soon as I hear, right.
Right. I will.
take the Repulse from W.S.8.B.
and put her with the Home Fleet.