Please forgive the late visit,
but I'm afraid it's quite urgent.
Please make it quick.
I feel faint.
Do you remember a man
by the name of Barter?
Barter? No.
A TV reporter.
This is the first time
I've heard his name.
Perhaps this will refresh
your memory.
Oh, that guy!
Yes, I know him.
He introduced himself
downstairs in the bar.
I hadn't quite caught his name.
He wanted an interview.
I refused. After all,
I'm not some movie star.
He was awfully pushy.
And yet you brought him upstairs
to your room.
I didn't want to make
a scene in the bar.
I brought him here upstairs,
but he got quite aggressive.
It got so bad that I had to ask him
to stop bothering me.
He's not going to bother you
Shortly after visiting you,
Mr. Barter...
But that's awful!
And when a person wants to die,
they won't let her!
" Return immediately or you must bear
the consequences of your actions.
I have proof
of your guilt."
Mrs. Menil, three hours after receiving
this telegram from Paris...
you attempted suicide.
How did you get
that telegram?
My personal life
is nobody's business.
When the police are interested
in something, there is no personal life.
Why are you torturing me
like this?
Leave me alone!
That's enough.
Can't you see?
But I must talk to you again
about Barter.
I received
a very strange phone call.
For the time being,
please don't leave town.
Good night.
" H. B. Mistelzweig