If you can find room
for my dog too--
Of course.
In Ireland we also have
this cold, wet weather.
I can feel it on my skin
like damp wool.
I don't know.
Don't take the turn so fast!
Damn! That was close.
- Thanks for the warning.
- How did you know that?
Sometimes I can see
things coming.
You don't believe me.
This morning at the hotel...
you dropped a glass
while brushing your teeth.
In picking up the shards, you cut
the middle finger of your right hand.
But that's--
No one was there to see it
when it happened.
This morning, around 1 1:00...
you signed a check
drawn on an English bank...
but the business transaction
you're planning will not materialize.
The part about the check is true too,
but how do you know the rest?
I told you before:
Sometimes I can see things coming.
If you can predict
future events...
how come you didn't see that
we would almost run you over?
The hour of my death
has not yet come.
- Who are you?
- My name is Cornelius.
Good evening...
Why did you turn on the light?
So that you may see better,
I could have been a burglar.
No, my dog growled and barked.
This means that there's someone
in the room whom he knows.
He would have behaved differently
with a stranger.