Tausend Augen des Dr. Mabuse, Die

His wife is expecting
their first child.

You slowly get used to the fact that
people bite the dust in our profession.

It's all business as usual.
And it's my fault.
Your fault? Why?
Yesterday I set out
three pieces of bait...

but the response
came faster than I expected.

But from whom?
The psychic?
The insurance agent?
Or the woman?
Why aren't you honest
with me?

I don't know
what you mean.

You sold this piece
of jewelry today.

- You had me followed?
- I feel responsible for you.

You booked flights today
with four different airlines...

for four consecutive dates...
to four different cities...
under four different names...
none of them your real one.
- Why?
- Please, don't ask!

What is threatening you,

What were you so afraid of
that you wanted to end your life?

Please don't ask.
Please, please, don't ask!

I don't want to cause you pain, Marion,
but why don't you let me help you?

I don't want to owe
anybody anything.

- I won't accept any money from you.
- Then at least take this back.

I know what it means to a woman
to give up her jewelry.

Then I have no other choice
but to keep it.

Perhaps chance will unite us
once again.

In the meantime,
this piece will remind me of you.

My plane is leaving tomorrow.
Tomorrow, already?
Will you do me a big favor
before we part?

If I can, gladly, of course.
Then spend our last evening
with me.

You must distract yourself
to regain your zest for life.

You need to get out
and see happy people.

You need to hear laughter
and music.
