To the next lucky coincidence
that will bring us together.
Everyday worries and concerns
must be checked in with your coat.
All right.
To the next lucky coincidence.
Terrific music, isn't it?
It gets in your blood.
I'm a Scorpio.
They burn with passion.
What are you, madam?
A Libra?
No, I'm a Sagittarius.
Straight to the heart!
- Would you like to dance?
- Oh, yes!
Do you like to dance?
I used to love to dance,
a long time ago.
You know, I believe you are
a cheerful person by nature.
I used to be
very happy and cheerful.
- I loved to laugh.
- Why don't you try it again?
See? Much better.
Come and dance with me.
Wasn't I right to drag you out
of your end-of-the-world mood?
Yes, perhaps.
You dance beautifully.
See? You are
a different person now.
Marion, come to Paris
with me tomorrow.
To Paris?
I can't go to Paris.
Don't get me wrong.
I'm not a prude.