I would love to do it.
But I can't leave now.
Why not?
I'm not free.
I'm married.
Do you love your husband?
I hate him.
When the lady
who just stepped out returns...
please tell her
I'll be right back.
He carries a gun
in a shoulder holster.
- Are you sure?
- Absolutely.
I'm all black and blue
from pressing against it.
Have you never considered
Yes, often, but my husband
will never let me go.
Money can overcome
many obstacles.
Not in my case.
Money can't help me.
But let's not talk about me.
Tell me about yourself,
about your life.
It's not very interesting.
Business, conferences.
-And women?
- Yes.
But only in passing.
You know, when someone lives
for his work as much as I do--
board meetings, staff meetings,
business meetings--
I practically live in planes
and conference halls.
There's only room
for brief pleasures...
and not much more.