Although I'm blind,
light that's too bright is bothersome.
It scatters your thoughts.
You must now focus on me.
You should go away.
Leave this town.
Something has crossed
your path...
and a dark cloud
hangs over you.
I see a figure.
It's very blurred.
An animal.
And a woman?
I can't quite penetrate
the darkness.
But one thing I do see.
You saved a life...
and it is precisely this life
that threatens you with danger...
and death.
She can't just be making up the fact
she reserved four airplane tickets...
even if she did it
under false names.
I don't get it.
Take a note:
Interpol inquiry.
Does this insurance agent Mistelzweig
really work for Lloyd's of London...
and Assurance la Paix Paris
and all the other companies?
Inspector, Mrs. Menil just canceled
all four flight reservations.
She goes out
with the American...
and the next morning
she cancels her flights.
Yet she didn't look too happy
when she went upstairs.
I have something else for you.
Get hold of this Cornelius character's
latest tax return. Be discreet about it.