That means water,
so we're due for a thunderstorm.
I should have brought
an umbrella, right?
That's a splendid animal
you've got there.
Come on, doggie.
Uncle has got something for you.
Quiet, Ferro. Be quiet.
He's not interested.
He won't take anything from a stranger.
This is Mr. Cornelius,
my wife...
Mr. Kaiser, and you already know
Mr. Mistelzweig.
- I hope I'm not late.
- Not at all, madam.
Please, let's all take a seat.
It's very informal.
concentrate on me now.
I'm having difficulty
Something is interfering
with me.
It's not the thunderstorm.
- Inspector.
- Yes?
Would you mind
if we traded places?
Not at all.
- Excuse me!
- No problem.
I hope my cigars
survived intact.
I suspected as much:
Saturn in the 11th house--
a small accident among friends.
Excuse me.
Let us begin.