because our friend,
in this end cabin here
sneaked off last night.
Yes, sir.
He just slipped out with his family,
in the middle of the night.
I ain't blaming him.
I ain't blaming him
because nobody wants
to be put under water permanent.
But I'm telling you all
right now,
don't go sneaking off
in the middle of the night.
Any of you want to go?
Any of you want to leave?
The ferry is down there
waiting for you
just any time you want to go.
Nobody keeping you here.
You go off and join the government.
I understand they're gonna
put you on relief.
Now you just go
and get yourselves relieved
any time you want.
Me, I ain't going.
Yes, Mrs. Ella?
How's "Old Blue"
running these days?
He's all right, Mrs. Ella.
I decided I gonna buy
"Old Blue", Sam.
What's that?
You heard me,
I said I want to buy "Old Blue".
How much you want for him?
I wouldn't want to sell "Old Blue".
I didn't ask
if you wanted to sell him.
I say I'm gonna buy him.
I gonna give you...
I'll give you 15 dollars for him.