Wild River

You go off and join the government.
I understand they're gonna
put you on relief.

Now you just go
and get yourselves relieved

any time you want.
Me, I ain't going.
Yes, Mrs. Ella?
How's "Old Blue"
running these days?

He's all right, Mrs. Ella.
I decided I gonna buy
"Old Blue", Sam.

What's that?
You heard me,
I said I want to buy "Old Blue".

How much you want for him?
I wouldn't want to sell "Old Blue".
I didn't ask
if you wanted to sell him.

I say I'm gonna buy him.
I gonna give you...
I'll give you 15 dollars for him.

What's the matter?
He ain't worth more than that.

He ain't worth nothing,
but I ain't selling him.

You gotta sell him
because I'm going to buy him.

How am I gonna buy him
unless you sell him?

I don't know,
but I ain't gonna sell him.

Sam Johnson,
You is selling him.

No I ain't gonna.
"Old Blue" is mine and I ain't
gonna sell him even to you.

You ain't got no right
to make me.

That's true, Sam.
And come to think of it,
I don't have the right.

You see, young man,
Sam and me, we don't sell.

Sam don't sell his dog
