Wild River

What's the matter?
He ain't worth more than that.

He ain't worth nothing,
but I ain't selling him.

You gotta sell him
because I'm going to buy him.

How am I gonna buy him
unless you sell him?

I don't know,
but I ain't gonna sell him.

Sam Johnson,
You is selling him.

No I ain't gonna.
"Old Blue" is mine and I ain't
gonna sell him even to you.

You ain't got no right
to make me.

That's true, Sam.
And come to think of it,
I don't have the right.

You see, young man,
Sam and me, we don't sell.

Sam don't sell his dog
and I don't sell my land that
I've poured my heart's blood into.

Joe John.
Joe John is real sorry
for what he done yesterday.

Ain't you, son?
That's all right, Joe John.
Mrs. Garth,
sometimes it happens
we can't remain true to our beliefs
without hurting many people,
