-Around 21?
She called Old Master father
No, only he believes it.
What happened next?
30 minutes later, I heard
the strumming of a lute
He was singing a Nagauta
No, no
That was a Hauta
Like this?
That's it
I know
He sings only that
-What is she? A Geisha?
-No, no
-From Minami?
-No, no. She's his old flame
Old flame?
The Old Master led a fast life
He troubled his folks over her
Is that so?
Things will be complicated again.
What a headache
Here are your clothes
Tharhk you
What do youwant?
Yamayoshi's postcard
Here it is
Father is at it again.
She lives in Kyoto, I hear
Where in Kyoto?
Her name is Sasaki
-Sasaki Tsune