Here are your clothes
Tharhk you
What do youwant?
Yamayoshi's postcard
Here it is
Father is at it again.
She lives in Kyoto, I hear
Where in Kyoto?
Her name is Sasaki
-Sasaki Tsune
Then it's that woman Father kept
in Osaka long ago
Yes, I think so
I was just a child then
She often brought Father home
at night
Mother wept frequently
Yes, she must be Father's old flame
It's deplorable,
the way he acts at his age
He's ignoring our winery business
I would rather have him interested
in bicycle racing
We have one worry after another
Youmust not rebuke him too severely
Why not?
Not now.
Wait for a better opportunity
No, I'll tell him!
No. After all, he's an old man
Then he should act like one
It's just his character