One, Two, Three

I wasn't thinking of myself.
It's your daughter I'm concerned about.

With the political situation in Berlin
the way it is, anything can happen.

Exactly. That's why I want you
to take good care of her.

She's just a child really,
and I don't like her to stay in a hotel alone.

She's flying Pan Am.
The plane is due in Berlin at 4.30.

Unless those damn commies
shoot it down.

Pan American gibt die Ankunft
des Clippers 712 aus Paris bekannt.

- Here. You give her the flowers.
- Cut it out. What was I going to do?

The boss asked me
to look after his only daughter.

What about your only children
and your only wife? We were ready to go.

- Don't you think we were disappointed?
- We'll just have to put things off.

- The snorkel and the umlaut...
- The what?

The thing is to make sure
the girl has a good time

so she'll talk about our man in Berlin.
It's such a nuisance. Bertha will have to
cook sauerbraten Southern-style.

- Come on, make an effort.
- Yes, mein Führer.

- Is this the Paris plane?
- Oui, monsieur.

- Isn't there a Miss Hazeltine?
- There was, but we have lost her.

- You lost her?
- She has joined the crew.

Scarlett Hazeltine if I ever saw one.
I'm MacNamara. This is Mrs MacNamara.
- Welcome to Berlin.
- Hi there.

- How was your flight?
- Just marvy.

The boys let me buzz Düsseldorf.
